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The Crimson Room

The Crimson Room
The original!
The Crimson Room
1. Click onto the dish on top of the cabinet and collect the first silver ring.
The Crimson Room
2. Open the top left drawer and collect the empty CD case. You can forget about this for now, it is not used in the 'Crimson Room,' but will be needed should you go on to play the 'Viridian Room.'
The Crimson Room
3. Open the top right drawer and collect the memorandum. On it is written a URL, visit this in another browser window and make a note of the number you are given.
The Crimson Room
4. Click under the cabinet and pick up the cassette off the floor.
The Crimson Room
5. When facing the blank red wall, click the bottom left hand corner to get behind the mattress. Collect the battery.
The Crimson Room
6. Lift the pillow off the bed and collect the gold key.
The Crimson Room
7. Click on the edge of the mattress to get in front of the headboard. Collect the metal bar.
The Crimson Room
8. Open the curtains and pick up the silver key on the window ledge. Repeatedly open and close the curtains until something drops onto the floor.
The Crimson Room
9. Pick up the second silver ring which fell onto the floor.
The Crimson Room
10. Use the gold key to open the bottom left drawer and collect the power supply cable.
The Crimson Room
11. Use the silver key to open the bottom right drawer and collect the small box.
The Crimson Room
12. Plug the power supply cable into the CD player, press the power-on button, open the drive and collect the key.
The Crimson Room
13. Add the two silver rings and the metal stick to the top of the box and click on it to open it.
The Crimson Room
14. Add the battery and the cassette and click on it to snap it shut and start the animation.
The Crimson Room
15. Watch the clip of the dancing man carefully. About fifteen seconds in, a crosshair will appear on the wall. Move your cursor over it. When the movie has finished double-click.
The Crimson Room
16. Click the panel to reveal a safe.
The Crimson Room
17. Click the digits on the safe to set the number you made a note of earlier (courtesy of the memorandum URL!) Open the lock with the key. Now, collect the screwdriver.
The Crimson Room
18. Unscrew the doorknob with the screwdriver. Click the door to open it and escape!